
Six-Partner Entertainment, Sports & Media Team Honored as “Dealmakers”

December 20, 2016
Variety “Dealmakers Impact Report” highlights international, content-driven transactions.

For the second consecutive year, six Latham partners have been recognized as an industry-leading transactional team in the 2016 Variety “Dealmakers Impact Report” – including Joseph Calabrese, Christopher Brearton, Nancy Bruington, Kenneth DeutschRobert Haymer and Lisbeth Savill. “These big Hollywood players are transforming the town’s business,” Variety said in the report’s introduction.

In its profile of the Latham team, Variety highlighted increased activity in cross-border entertainment and media deals involving a range of participants, particularly transactions in which “international entities seek Hollywood expertise, content for use in their home territories, and eventual monetization.” 

“Investors and distributors from around the world have a robust appetite for the film and TV industry,” Joseph Calabrese, Global Chair of Latham & Watkins’ Entertainment, Sports & Media Practice, told Variety.
