Bryant Edwards retired from the partnership in June 2016. Bryant was most recently a partner in the Hong Kong office of Latham & Watkins and Chair of the firm's Asia Practice. Bryant relocated to Hong Kong after four years in Dubai where he led the opening of the firm’s four Middle East offices and served as Chair of the firm’s Middle East Practice. Before Dubai, Bryant spent eight years in the firm's London office, where he was Chair of the Corporate Department and focused on the development of the firm’s European high yield bond practice. He previously served as Chair of the Los Angeles Corporate Department.
Bryant's practice included representation of companies and investment banking firms in merger and acquisition transactions and in public and private offerings of securities, with a particular emphasis on issuances and restructurings of debt securities. He advised issuers and underwriting banks in more than 100 bond offerings.
At the time of his retirement, Bryant was vice chair of the Credit Committee of the Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA). From 2008 to 2012, Bryantserved as a member of the Steering Committee of the Gulf Bond and Sukuk Association and as Chair of its Regulatory Committee. From 2004 through 2008, he was chair of the European High Yield Association and from 2007 through 2008 was a Member of the Board of the Bond Market Association.
He has authored a number of articles including: “Hybrid Bonds and High Yield: Will the Marriage Last?” Euromoney Hybrid Capital Handbook; “Securities Offerings and Listings in the US: An Overview for Non-US Issuers,” IFLR; “Developments in Financing Leveraged Acquisitions in Europe,” 1460 PLI 493; “Recent Developments in Financing Leveraged Acquisitions in Europe,” 1400 PLI 1155; “Restructuring European High Yield Bonds” 1347 PLI 753; “Restructuring High-Yield Securities Through Prepackaged Bankruptcies,” 5 Insights 3-10 (Prentice-Hall); “Modifying Debt Securities: The Search For the Elusive ‘New Security’ Doctrine,” 47 The Business Lawyer 571; “Mandatory Class Action Lawsuits as a Restructuring Technique,” 19 Pepperdine Law Review 875; and “Restructuring Leveraged Buyouts: An Overview,” Thirteenth Annual Institute (Prentice Hall).
Prior to his move to London, Bryant was a lecturer in Law at the UCLA School of Law.