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The Book of Jargon Series – Word of the Day®

The Book of Jargon® is a series of practice area and industry-specific glossaries published by Latham & Watkins.

Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

an entity created for a specific purpose, as opposed to a general operating entity. Can be (but isn’t always) a Bankruptcy Remote Vehicle, used for acquiring specific assets.

Word of the Day®


a type of debt that combines Senior Debt and Subordinated Debt into one instrument in order to simplify the debt structure and accelerate the acquisition process. The Borrower would typically pay a blended Interest Rate falling between the rates which would have been applicable for Senior Debt and Subordinated Debt.

Word of the Day®


The collective name for Borrowers and Guarantors.

Word of the Day®

Raiden Network

technology that allows near-instant and low-fee transactions of Cryptocurrency using Ethereum’s technology.

Word of the Day®

Tax Shield

the inverse of the ratio of taxable income to cash distributions, expressed as a percentage. The higher the percentage, the lesser the amount of a cash distribution will be currently taxable to an MLP Unitholder.

Word of the Day®

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