Latham Named Among “Best Law Firms for Women”
For the 11th year in a row, Working Mother magazine has named Latham & Watkins to its annual Best Law Firms for Women report, which commends US law firms that “utilize best practices in recruiting, retaining, promoting and developing women lawyers.” Criteria for making the list include percentage of female lawyers, mentorship, and succession planning. Latham also earned a spot in the magazine’s Hall of Fame, which honors firms who have been on the list for at least 10 years.
“We thank Working Mother magazine for this recognition of our strong commitment to the success of our women lawyers. At Latham, we strive to lead the market in everything we do, including helping our women lawyers and leaders develop their networks and strengthen business relationships across industries,” said Mary Rose Alexander, Global Chair of the Women Enriching Business Committee.
Kevin Chambers, Global Chair of the Diversity Leadership Committee, said: “We are thrilled to once again be named among the ‘Best Law Firms for Women,’ and to be part of the magazine’s Hall of Fame. Our firm is dedicated to creating an environment in which all lawyers, including those from traditionally underrepresented groups in the legal industry, can flourish. We are proud of our unique programs and policies, and are committed to supporting and empowering women lawyers at our firm and throughout the profession.”