Brussels Competition Practice Named “Outstanding” by Global Competition Review
Global Competition Review (GCR) has ranked Latham & Watkins as one of the “Outstanding” competition practices in Brussels in its annual market survey. The ranking recognizes the highly talented team “with impressive tenure and expertise” in Brussels and the firm's notable work for industry-leading clients.
Among Latham's 2013 highlights, GCR cites award-winning cases, complex multijurisdictional mergers and cartel investigations.
"Along with attracting personnel with impressive tenure and expertise, Latham has staked out more than its share of notable clients with contentious and non-contentious work," said GCR. "The firm is also heavily involved in antitrust litigation in courts in Germany, the UK and the Netherlands."
“The ranking is a testimony to the depth and breadth of our practice and the outcomes we have achieved for our clients in a range of high-profile cases,” said Jean Paul Poitras, Office Managing Partner of Latham & Watkins in Brussels. The 10-partner strong team is an integral part of the firm’s global antitrust and competition practice, with GCR noting “[i]ncreasingly, a successful Brussels office is a key part of a truly global antitrust practice.”