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ESG Masterclass — Effective Climate Data Practices

April 9, 2024
Sarah Fortt, Global Co-Chair of Latham’s Environmental, Social & Governance Practice, and Spencer Hall of Anglet unravel the complexities of climate data for transparent ESG reporting.

Latham’s ESG Masterclass video series offers a dynamic exploration of the ever-changing environmental, social, and governance terrain. Sarah Fortt, Global Co-Chair of the ESG Practice at Latham, and special expert guests explore evolving ESG topics and trends, and provide actionable strategies and practical advice for companies and marketplace participants.

In this episode, Sarah and Spencer tackle the challenges of climate data collection and reliability for ESG reporting. They discuss auditing climate risks amid stricter regulations, addressing financial teams’ learning curves, and ensuring data accuracy throughout supply chains. They highlight how new technology aids carbon accounting, and stress the necessity of teamwork in meeting ESG goals.


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